I was planning on making a
Blueberry Melomel
(Mead) this summer after I picked all my
Blueberries. I would have to add some frozen ones as well to have enough. But a wonderful present appeared on the door step yesterday. A 1 gallon bucket of
Blueberries (a little over 6 lbs.) dropped off by some friends of ours that have a 15 acre Blueberry patch . Just the right amount I needed for a 3 gallon batch. So I proceeded to wash and crush the berries. Heated up some water and dissolved 6 lbs of honey into it. Stretched a 5 gallon paint strainer bag over the mouth of the 5g fermenting bucket and started pouring in the crushed
Blueberry Melomel
- 6-7lbs honey
- 6 lbs Blueberries
- 30 drops Pectic Enzyme
- 3 tsp Yeast Nutrient
- 1 1/2 Tsp Yeast Energizer
- 4 Campden tablets to sanitize must
- EC-1118 Yeast in a starter
Initially only added 6 lbs honey, but after checking the SG 18 hours later it was 1.072. I added another 1 lbs or so of honey to get an SG of 1.082. I want it to have no trouble fermenting since it is in an open fermenter. So I decided to us EC-1118. I will ferment it dry and after stabilizing back sweeten to about 1.010 using honey.